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Worldwide: concerns news that is relevant globally 

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 5:08 am
by rosebaby3892
Trending Topic: What It Is and How It Can Help Your Brand

Make your business more popular and credible by being a Trending Topic. This means being among the most popular topics of the moment; it has its origins in 2008, when hashtags began to function on Twitter . Today, hashtags are also used on other social networks such as Instagram and Facebook.  

The Trending Topic immediately positions the most shared topics, which can be local or global .

And although these hashtags can become a trend or be included in the trending topic spontaneously, there are brands that have known how to take advantage of this function to sow hashtags that give them that much desired visibility on the Internet.

If you want to know more about this trending topic and how it can help your brand, don't wait any longer and continue reading this article.

What is a Trending Topic or TT?
The trending topic is an algorithm that allows you to categorize the topics that are being discussed through the use of hashtags.

This algorithm classifies the most shared hashtags in real time. Several factors are decisive for this.

Such as:

-The number of users using the tag or hashtag.

-Retweets that include that specific word.

The Trending Topic relies on the use of the hashtag (#). For a topic to be trending, this tag must be used.

Trending Topics are the most used keywords at the moment. These are the most popular topics.

These are shown in a 10-position classification; and are specified according to three types:

-Local: corresponds to the most popular topics in a given city .

-National: these are the trends that are discussed in a country .

This feature has allowed people to follow current news golf courses email list through hashtags, whether on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.

In fact, Instagram recently launched the option to not only follow user accounts, but also hashtags and even locations.


What is the purpose of a Trending Topic?
Trending topics are not only useful for social purposes, but can also be used for commercial purposes and as branding campaigns . Therefore, interaction with tags is an effective way to gain visibility and reach.

This also helps brands to ride the wave of trends that already exist and gain greater visibility. For companies, it is beneficial because it allows content to reach new and more people ; which can be converted into new leads .

So, the Trending Topic serves to:

-Achieve greater visibility on social media, allowing new people to learn about your company's account.

-Make your brand stand out by showing its creative capacity, generating empathy and affinity, which will add points to your brand's reputation.