Create content around primary and secondary keywords

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Create content around primary and secondary keywords

Post by ahbappy250 »

At the heart of any effective SEO strategy is keyword research. Great content is built around both primary and secondary keywords, and knowing how to use them strategically will drive users to your website.

Your primary keyword should be the main focus of your landing page. It should be a good description of whatever the page is about and potentially tie back to what your brand does. Your primary keywords should be the focus of your content.

Secondary keywords support the main keywords and go germany whatsapp number list into more detail. By including these secondary keywords in your content, naturally, of course, you can improve your search rankings.

Start your keyword research by thinking of some long-tail keywords that make sense to your audience. Let’s say you run a blog about home improvement. Using our Keyword Overview tool , you can start by searching for “home improvement” as your target keyword and then expand your search from there to include more keywords. We’ll show you the search volume for your primary keyword and how difficult it is to rank for within your industry, as well as related search terms you might want to consider.


SEMrush Keyword Overview Tool screenshot
2. Use short and descriptive URLs
In on-page SEO, there are also some non-technical ways to optimize your SEO efforts. The way you structure the URLs for your content, for example, can improve your organic rankings and is relatively easy to do even for those who are just starting out in SEO.

An effective URL should:

Use keywords: Your URL should include one or more of your target keywords.
Be easy to understand: It should please the human eye and allow readers to quickly understand what the web page is about.
Be concise: Shorter URLs are preferable. Don’t go over 60 characters. Many search engines can’t process longer URLs, which can push you further down the results page.
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