Lead center and chatbot: a possible marriage?

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Lead center and chatbot: a possible marriage?

Post by samueljon »

Lead center and chatbot, here are two new commercial phone number library approaches that are increasingly popular. First, the lead center, which is a neologism for lead management. Second, chatbots, which are the most popular customer relationship technology at the moment. Indeed, chatbots are now at the heart of business development and customer relationship strategies. A year ago, only 2% of companies had them, compared to 9% today.

However, a question arises. Does a lead center that is highly digitalized need a chatbot to function? As you know, generating leads involves a lot of marketing actions such as inbound. Should the lead center that manages and qualifies these leads rely on a set of new technologies?

From then on we will see if lead center and chatbot are compatible to improve the customer experience and relationship.
Lead center is an anglicism that describes the evolution of the telephone outsourcing market. The term lead center groups together two very distinct but very similar terms which are:

The lead or prospect in French
The call center
The term lead is the act of deciphering people likely to make a purchase. Lead generation can be defined as project detection. The main objective is the detection of interest signals emitted by potential customers via the web. These signs can be measured and quantified, for example:

The number of completed forms
Interactions on the site
Social Media Engagement
Trade exchanges maintained.
The second term is based on the call center. Unlike a traditional call center, a lead center is based on more complex requests. A lead center is able to handle the three traditional levels of call centers but it is structured around levels 2 and 3.

To better understand what a lead center is, we must consider the best aspects of both terms. That is, a lead center is capable of using advanced digital and human techniques. In addition, a lead center differs from a simple call center in that it is able to manage and generate leads from start to finish.

Unlike a traditional call center, a lead center does not do raw prospecting. It is the various tools such as marketing automation or CRM that allow prospecting to be optimized. Obviously, behind this call center 3.0, the presence of humans is indisputable for the management and conclusion of sales leads.
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