Following the recent (or not so recent) incorporation of the new LOPD that has revolved around the sending of promotional emails (those same emails that, not so many months ago, brought us down the path of bitterness every time our inbox was filled with those subjects that said something like “authorize the processing of data for us ”), Email Marketing –unlike other communication techniques-, has become a channel in which, now yes, security matters, and a lot. But, beyond this, which is obviously necessary in terms of the protection of and about the user, what happens with brands? Does anyone think about them? Do we know what they face in their day to day, and what should they do to avoid things as common as identity theft? Giving a solution to these questions, in our article today we are going to talk about a term that is not so well-known, but with great relevance in the world of Email Marketing: the SPF.
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What is SPF?
How does the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) work and how is it defined?
In addition to SPF, we discuss DKIM settings
What is SPF?
The Sender Policy Framework , better known by its acronym in English SPF, refers to protection against email forgeries, being simple and brief in our definition.
In this way, it is a method that allows email providers to detect whether or not a mass email is being sent from the indicated server; a server that is, in fact, related to our domain. In other words, the main function of the SPF record is to, through the integration of special DNS records, identify which IP addresses are authorized to send emails . In this way, it is possible to prevent mauritius business email list SPAM mail distributors from falsifying a domain and sending messages under that same address, since - before that happens - the recipient's server can check whether the message is generated through an authorized email server.
Big Data and Machine Learning in eMail
This is mainly due to the intention of avoiding cases of phishing , cybersecurity, piracy or any other type of spam, which will cause our brand to be classified as SPAM and reported as junk mail. Because, in that way, the only one affected would be our brand. How does the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) work and how is it defined?
How does the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) work and how is it defined?
First of all, we want to share something important with you: among the strategies that mail servers follow, it is extremely common -with the aim of fighting SPAM and other abuses that are carried out in Email Marketing- to refuse to receive emails that do not have an adequately configured SPF record. In this way, when, in a delivery, they do not detect an SPF, the email is automatically sent directly to the spam folder; which can be totally counterproductive for brands.
So, dear e-marketer, if you have properly understood everything explained above, you can surely understand why it is so important to have a well-configured SPF record. Particularly in the case of more promotional email sending, it is important that the sending brands ensure this point from the beginning, since these are much more susceptible to corporate identity theft, cyber attacks or even the much-feared phishing that we mentioned above. Without a doubt, it is something more frequent than we think.
Well, now that we've explained what the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is, you should know how it's defined. It's defined in a .txt record (i.e. text), hosted in the DNS of your own server. From here, creating an SPF is relatively easy, as long as you can access your domain's administration panel, which is why it's also important that you can rely on professional email marketing software, such as Mittum's , that allows you to have access to all kinds of information of this type but, above all, that knows how to correctly manage all these factors that, without a doubt, can seriously harm your brand if you don't make the relevant adjustments at all times.
How should an email design be designed to achieve success?
Without a doubt, knowing and managing everything related to SPF will help your brand stay as far away as possible from the spam folder, achieving the main objective of the Email Marketing technique: landing in users' inboxes without any setbacks.
In addition to SPF, we discuss DKIM settings
In addition to SPF, brands also rely on another equally effective protocol that also works to authenticate email deliveries: DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) . This refers to an encrypted authentication system for the sender that duplicates the integrity of our deliveries, so that they can be delivered in a completely appropriate manner.
So, with that said, e-marketers, if you want your emails to be valid for ISPs, landing directly in your recipients' inboxes without any problems, and -of course- without compromising their deliverability, don't forget to take into account all of the above. Only in this way will you be able to guarantee the delivery of your emails, while also gaining a greater (and better) brand reputation.