Which can be damaging not only to your career

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Which can be damaging not only to your career

Post by Joyzfsddt66 »

When you examine your feelings about the external event, how do you feel? What is the impact on you as an individual? If you perceive the impact to be negative, it is likely that you feel a fight or flight response – where your instincts are to fight your corner, or hide away and let things unfold. Rest assured, this is perfectly normal! It becomes a problem when the initial adrenaline surge is sustained and becomes a longer-term stress reaction, but also your life and your overall health. At this point, you need to prioritise yourself, selfish though that sounds if others are reliant on you.

Freeing your mind, getting out of your comfort zone and getting ready to set your career goals

In the short term, difficult as it can be to accept that there is a problem, recognising it is the first step towards taking back control. That is why it is much easier, but also far less productive to spend hours applying for jobs online, as that is not going to get you where you want to be.

“If do what you have always done, you will get the results you have always got”

The old adage is true, nothing will change if you don’t make a determined effort to hong kong whatsapp phone number change anything! Now is the time to be getting out of your comfort zone and trying something you haven’t tried before. Now is the time to start doing more of the slightly uncomfortable things that will help to disrupt the cycle of stress. This can be a scary prospect, so start small. Maybe commit to walking a little further each day, come home 10 minutes earlier, or just commit to eating more vegetables! Set yourself a reward when you have achieved your daily goal as an incentive.

Overall, you need to find ways to relax, celebrate small successes and focus on what is really important to you, which at this stage doesn’t include panicking about finding your next job! It is really important that you don’t underestimate the significance of your emotional state. It could be as simple as taking an hour or two away from your stressors each day, taking a weekend break, or a holiday, and spend more time focusing on doing the things that you love doing. For others, it may need more drastic action like a visit to your GP. If you have an employee support service, or a career coach available to you, now is a good time to set things in motion. The point is, you need to find a way to break the cycle of stress, creating head-space to start thinking about what you need to change, and how you can change it. When you start to feel more relaxed, more positive and more open to alternatives, setting your goals for your next career move becomes far easier and more enjoyable. It is also liberating to realise that although some rules may have been set for you, that are outside your control, you still have the power to set your own agenda and then decide for yourself what you are going to do. When you are ready, you can start to tackle your career issues.
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