It’s everywhere, the majority of people use it in some form or another on a daily basis and it’s a great starting point for attracting new clientele. But, with such a broad range of options, where do you start? What’s the best way of utilising this multifaceted tool to interact with your customers? Take a look at our tips, and you’ll be an expert in no time.
Choose appropriate platforms
With a number of options available, it can be easy to assume that the most effective iceland whatsapp phone number way of communicating with your clients can be to engage with as many platforms as possible. Surely the best way of acquiring new clients is to approach them from every angle right? Wrong. Keep your focus on what’s relevant, and you’re far more likely to attract the attention of your intended audience.
Don’t waste time
In business, the old cliché is true and time really is money. You’ve only got a few seconds to grab people’s attention, and you need to make use of every last one of them. If you spend hours creating a blog post when your business is more suited to a primarily visual platform such as Instagram, you’re wasting your time. If you put all your effort into an Instagram photo when visual-only posts have no relation to your business, you waste more time. Keep it focused, keep it relevant, and use the time you save to further promote the platforms and posts that do matter.
Keep personal and professional accounts separate
Whilst that BuzzFeed quiz telling you what kind of shoe you are may be funny, and the video of the sneezing goat may be adorable, they have no place in the promotion of your company or brand. At best it looks irrelevant, at worst it looks like you’re far more interested in playing around on the internet than looking out for your client's needs. It works in the opposite way as well, whilst we can never take back anything we put on the internet, do you really want potential clientele perusing through your holiday snaps? Keep personal accounts on lockdown and only use your professional accounts for business. Not only will it encourage you to focus entirely on your work, but it’ll also limit the opportunity for potential embarrassment in the future.
How to Use Social Media to Engage With Your Clients
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