What is a Balance Sheet? How is it Prepared?

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What is a Balance Sheet? How is it Prepared?

Post by mdarafat5724 »

The balance sheet is one of the basic financial statements used for accounting and is basically divided into two. On one side, the company's assets are reported. The other side shows the company's liabilities and equity. In our article, you can learn about topics such as what is a balance sheet and a balance sheet example .

Balance Sheet Guide: What is a Balance Sheet? How is it Prepared?

What is a Balance Sheet?

When we say what is a balance sheet, a short definition ; It is a table showing all the money assets, receivables and payables of the businesses. The balance sheet is one of the basic financial tables used for accounting. It carries out the reporting of the company's assets, the keeping of the company's liabilities and equity. The items in the table are created according to cash and inventory. It covers the items such as goods, property, equipment, income, expenses, etc. of a business.

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What is a Balance Sheet?

What are the Types of Balance Sheets?

In order to better understand the balance sheet, it is necessary to take a look at the types of balance sheets. Balance sheet types are divided into types such as report form balance sheet, account form balance sheet, comparative balance sheet, analytical balance sheet, consolidated balance sheet, commercial balance sheet and business balance sheet. Let's take a brief look at all of them below.

Comparative Balance Sheet

It is based on the comparison of amounts. For example, it is the balance colombia mobile phone numbers database sheet obtained by comparing the balance sheet of any date with the balance sheet of another period.

Types of Balance Sheets - Comparative Balance Sheets

Balance Sheet in the form of an account
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