Open letter to the Commission's proposal for electronic evidence

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Open letter to the Commission's proposal for electronic evidence

Post by [email protected] »

The Commission is considering enacting new legislation that would deprive European privacy-focused tech companies of their competitive advantage. A group of leading European privacy-focused tech companies have written an open letter to the LIBE Committee regarding the e-evidence proposal.

The EU technology sector offers online services such as secure email, collaboration and file storage, which are respectful towards its customers and users. Europe's competitive advantage is based on the security and reliability of our online services. The Commission's e-evidence proposal threatens this competitive advantage and threatens our customers list of argentina whatsapp phone numbers and users as well. You can find more information on how to improve the Commission's proposal in the open letter. The open letter to the LIBE Committee members

The open letter to the members of the LIBE Commission.
Dear members of the LIBE Commission,

This week, you will examine the draft report by spokeswoman Birgit Sippel on cross-border data access for authorities ("electronic evidence" or "e-evidence"). The undersigned European businesses urge you to support the many good proposals by spokeswoman Sippel and to consider implementing some key improvements to the archive.


As part of Europe’s burgeoning privacy industry, we offer high-security services for data hosting, email, messaging and collaboration platforms built in and for Europe. The privacy technology industry helps the EU, its businesses and its citizens strengthen their digital sovereignty and become more independent from Silicon Valley’s “Big Data” leviathans. We are dedicated to building online services and software that meet the needs of real businesses and people, not for more sinister purposes like data harvesting and advertising.
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