Chaos Zero Talks: Financial education for children, with Celia Tejealas

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Chaos Zero Talks: Financial education for children, with Celia Tejealas

Post by tasnimsanika7 »

Money is such a basic pillar in our entire life that financial education is already a matter vital.
I know you probably don't feel like even looking at your finances. Sitting down to periodically evaluate your business numbers is incredibly lazy and makes you nervous.

You've already lived it, right?

Well, if it's any consolation, this same thing happens to many entrepreneurs. Which is contradictory because if there's one reason we start a business, beyond the fact that we love what we do, it's to make money.

And that happens because we haven't been taught it. Imagine how the film would change if, as children, we had ever been taught how to manage our money ... It would be a different story. In fact, the numbers would be cheerfully told to us and this exercise of assessment would become exciting.

Because everything we learn while playing is better understood . We integrate it naturally.

And if that game were also introduced in schools… it would even change the country's economy!

While that happens, we are always lucky to learn from experts like Celia Rodríguez Palomeque, a certified teacher in Positive Discipline, trained in Active Listening and Non-Violent Communication, who accompanies, through her Celia Tejealas project , those who want to improve their communication and children's learning.

One of the areas that sparks the most interest is financial education from childhood , because no education is complete until it includes the hot potato of money.

In this chat with Celia we talk about how to get the little ones to have a healthy and coherent relationship with money .

and also of

Limiting beliefs about money that we inherit from our families and how israel whatsapp number data to avoid them so that our children are financially happier.
The common mistake we make when educating children about finances.
How to learn to save from a young age and the wonderful technique of the “wish list”.
Should they be given an allowance? How much? From what age? How should they be taught to manage it?
Toy markets for children to learn about business… yes or no?
Start teaching yourself financial independence now. Press play! ??


Related resources:

[Post] Finance guide for entrepreneurs .
The secrets of the millionaire mind .
Where does money grow ?
My first book on economics, savings and investment .
Forget about your piggy bank and make your money grow .
Financial education for children and not so children .
[Free] Stories and games to understand money .
And we also mention apps to control your finances such as:
Money Pro on Google Play or Money Pro on the Apple Store .
Toshl on Google Play or Toshl on the Apple Store .
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