The online marketing landscape of marketers

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The online marketing landscape of marketers

Post by arzina566 »

Oops, I'm growing
Early May I became a father for the second time. Fellow parents know that this time is a cocktail of joy, primal instincts, happiness and tiredness. When you have a child, it is an enormous search for a new life, a new rhythm, together. After a few weeks you seem to have found each other, and things are going somewhat smoothly. But then, suddenly the little boy or girl is dissatisfied, cries a lot and only wants to be held. How is this suddenly possible? You don't understand it.

Fortunately for young parents, there is the app Oei, ik groei! . And it neatly states that the first 'leap' takes place in the 4th week after the due date. A lot of physical changes suddenly occur for the baby, which makes him upset. A reassurance, so it is not your fault, it is part of it. Because you now understand what is going on, you can also deal with it better.

Marketing leaps
How great would it be if there was an app like that for our marketing leaps? An app that tells us what's going on, when we see that our conversion suddenly decreases or increases significantly. And that tells us what the future will bring.

Unfortunately, we have to do without an app. Sometimes that would be really nice. At one point, the monthly reach of a Facebook page I managed decreased by almost 40 percent, without us having usa telegram data adjusted our content strategy. Half a million views per month that went up in smoke. An earlier algorithm update was announced , but this change could not be traced back. Try explaining that to management.

It’s a cliché, but the world we live in – specifically consumer behavior – is changing faster and faster. Where it took decades for half of households to own a phone, the smartphone took 5 years . Social media platform TikTok took just 3 years to grow 1 billion monthly active users , while Facebook took over 7 years to do so.


When the environment we find ourselves in becomes increasingly dynamic, strategic uncertainty grows. This is uncertainty about the environment or market, about developments in technology or consumer behavior.

In the book Built to Change by Lawler and Worley (aff.) the authors analyzed the list of the 1,000 largest American companies (Fortune 1000). The analysis shows that in the period from 1973 to 1983 a total of 35 percent of the companies in the top 20 were newcomers. In the following ten-year period this share increases to 45 percent. From 1993 to 2003 this percentage even increases to 60 percent. The changing of the guard is large and therefore increasing at an ever faster rate.
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