Robots and automation: Will they affect accounting tasks?

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Robots and automation: Will they affect accounting tasks?

Post by jrineakter0.2 »

Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are increasingly gaining importance in different sectors and areas of companies.
The accounting field will be transformed by the unstoppable automation of processes thanks to robotics and AI.
Learn what experts think about the future of the accounting profession.
The accounting sector is in a dynamic moment in which the way of accounting for daily operations is undergoing a significant transformation.

The fourth industrial revolution is already comoros email list here thanks to digital disruption, the Internet of Things, virtual reality, robotization, industry 4.0, artificial intelligence, and “big data”.

An even more disruptive scenario than the robotization scenario was the popularization of the use of computers and the appearance of accounting software programs . At that time, new technologies relegated those accounting books, in which notes were made by hand and in good handwriting, to the shelves of relics. But, since then, the number of professionals dedicated to accounting has not only not decreased, but has increased significantly.


The current situation of the accounting profession has already evolved considerably. Today we are light years away from how accounting was done just a few years ago. The automation of accounting transactions and technology have already brought significant improvements to the accounting area.

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The future of accounting employment according to the World Economic Forum
According to the report “ The Future of Jobs 2023 ” published by the World Economic Forum, the largest absolute job losses will be among data entry clerks . This group of workers is expected to lose 8 million jobs over the next five years. Secretaries and accounting clerks follow . These three occupations account for more than half of the total job losses predicted by this organization.

In terms of job growth , positions that will see growth include artificial intelligence and machine learning specialists, sustainability specialists and business intelligence analysts .

However, compared to the previous report published by the World Economic Forum three years earlier, expectations of displacement of physical and manual work by machines have decreased among companies.

Another notable fact from this report is that it is estimated that, on average, a worker needs to update 44% of his or her skills.
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