Pixel is a kind of net that will catch the audience we ask for. Therefore, before launching retargeting, you need to set user parameters.
Important: Audiences are collected by the pixel from the moment they are created for the period you specify.
Different time periods for which you can gather an audience.
Go to the “Audiences” section and click “Create an audience”.
Audience settings in VK
A pixel can collect several different audiences with different parameters.
The system will offer several options for collecting the audience. Now we click on the first one, "Get using a pixel." Then we select the pixel, name the audience, and set the rule. You can select "All site visitors," or you can select those who visited specific pages during a specific period of time (you also need to select it in the appropriate field). Then don't forget to add the page URL if you decide to collect specific visitors.
Pixel setup example
Fields where you need to specify a clear audience name taking into account the time period
Click the “Create” button and the audience will appear in the table.
Setting up a retargeting audience
Table where the audience will be loaded
Step 3. Create an ad
Now go to the “Campaigns” section — “Create an ad”.
Creating an ad
Select the desired goal and format of advertising. The advantages of using our skype database principle here is the same as when launching regular advertising (we wrote about this in our article ), only for displaying, go down to the "Retargeting Audience" item. Here you select the segment you want to launch advertising on - this is true for all types of retargeting. In our case, this is "Audience 1", which we collected in the previous step. You can also select an audience to exclude, for example, those who left a request or made a purchase.
Audience Setup
This is the section where you need to select the retargeting audience.
Next, fill in the remaining fields. It is important to note that you can combine retargeting audiences and exclusions to show ads to site visitors who visited at different times. For example, you have Audience 1 and Audience 2, which you collected with one pixel. You launch retargeting with an ad about a promotion, but the second audience has already seen it. Then it needs to be excluded.
Next, we set up the remaining settings. When the ad is ready, we save it and send it for moderation. Read more about how VKontakte checks your ad in our article .