Can industrial marketing be used in my industry?

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Can industrial marketing be used in my industry?

Post by bitheerani44556 »

The term industrial marketing is relatively new in the world and its concept is still not well understood by industry marketing teams. Some business owners say that industrial marketing is inefficient and that it makes no difference in the day-to-day running of the company.

If you follow our blog or other marketing portals, you've heard of Inbound Marketing or Content Marketing. Both create strategies focused on brand recognition and finding the right target audience for your company to communicate with those who are truly interested in your products and services.

After all, what is industrial marketing?
It is a set of actions that aim to bring your brand closer to potential consumers in your segment. In other words, actions that will somehow impact the department responsible for purchasing your product.

B2B (Business to Business) is also managed by people, even though retail email list your company sells to companies and not to the end consumer, we are talking about people. Decision makers within companies are the focus of industrial marketing. No matter which sector has the final say, we need to understand that every company also has pain points to be solved, just like B2C (Business to Client) sales.

We know that an industry's products can be very complex, especially those that involve new and little-known technologies with examples of usability. These are products that require several steps to purchase, which is why industrial marketing focuses on showing the differences of each product to the right buyer.


Industrial marketing is not only based on strategy and accurate actions, but also on analysis and results. Indexes and numbers are two points of balance for campaigns to be successful. Everything can be analyzed, optimized or rethought.

In this case, we are not talking about explanatory leaflets or product technical specifications; we are going further than that. We are talking about creating desire for your product, creating real expectations about what it can do. Industrial marketing awakens your target audience's interest in getting to know your brand and products better.

How to deploy?
Before you think about implementing an industrial marketing plan, I suggest you get to know your persona, that is, the person who makes the decision to buy your product. By knowing the pain points that the persona has and what your product can do for them, your company will certainly find a way to be heard.

Knowing who your persona is, it will be easier to talk to them through content aimed at the problems that your product can solve.

Renew old relationships. Many customers stop buying from you without even knowing exactly why. No matter the reason, show that you are willing to work around any problems that may have occurred. Email marketing is still the best tool for communicating with your customers.

Invest in your sales team. With industrial marketing in place, your company will tend to have more qualified leads. Having a team prepared to answer questions is important to show why your product is more efficient than your competitor's.

Social networks for industry?
Yes, of course! Nowadays, it is practically impossible not to be on social media, whether it is on LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram. Showing yourself to be present in your persona’s daily life shows that they can trust your brand when necessary.

Video is the most consumed media format in the world. It is estimated that by 2020, 83% of all internet traffic will be generated by videos and that online video consumption will surpass traditional television. Bold predictions? Maybe! But in Brazil, 86% of the population already watches videos online and 90% of people who watch videos reported that watching a video about a product was essential for their decision to buy online. In other words, YouTube and the video format must also be included in your planning.

Implementing industrial marketing in your company is not rocket science, especially if you seek help in the right place. Toulouse specializes in industrial marketing. Our team has been providing strategies that meet the objectives required by each segment and industry since 2004. Sales, branding, qualified leads or other specific needs? Talk to one of our experts and have an even more competitive industry.
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