Reduces user abandonment , on average 50% stop browsing the site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load
Increase conversion rates and reduce user stress
Increase your site visibility because speed is a ranking factor for Google and it's great if you do SEO
The disadvantages, however, are only economic because they require an investment in the development of a high-performance website and the use of hosting that provides the right performance.
Do you have any others?
The truth is that great performance is rarely a weakness. I see it as an opportunity !
Establish benchmarks to test speed
There are several tools that allow you to measure and evaluate the speed of a website.
These are very useful performance indicators , which should not be taken literally, but provide detailed information on the performance of a web page and useful advice for solving problems identified senegal phone numbers during testing.
They are free and easy to use.
They allow you to analyze the order in which the resources on the web page are downloaded
The judgments are summarized through letters and colors
They assign values through synthetic tests, that is, simulated by software
You can do a comparative analysis of the competition
My advice is to get the “green light” on all the indicators that will emerge from the reports. However, it is not necessary to focus exclusively on achieving a 100% success rate.
Among the most important and famous online Speed Tests we find:
Google PageSpeed Insights
I think it’s important to monitor these metrics over time and evaluate how they impact your business sales or conversion rates.
Set a goal and calculate a performance budget
Now is the time to define a performance budget and clearly set the goal to achieve.
But where do we start?
There is a very valuable tool that allows us to calculate a performance budget for our site.
It's very simple. Just indicate the number of seconds we would like our site to load and choose the type of connection.
In the example I show you I set the variables to 3 seconds on a slow 3G Mobile connection (780 Kbps) . And here is the result!
My performance budget is 288 KB .
Calculate performance budget - Mirko Ciesco
The image shows us an example of how to divide the Kilobytes between the various resources that may be present in our web page.
Don't have a video? Or do we want to upload it later? Well, we can set the video assets to 0 KB and move and distribute the other 28 KB among the other assets.
This way it will be easier to give more precise technical instructions to those who design and/or develop a website so that they can evaluate the graphic layout and the CSS libraries most suitable for a high-performance project .
Specifically, you can set more specific limits such as:
Maximum size of images, including logos and icons
Maximum number of web characters
Maximum size of JavaScript and CSS, including frameworks
The weight of the video
Calculate your performance budget:
A determining factor for loading: the weight of the page
Having gained a greater sensitivity on the subject you can understand why the tools that measure the speed give a lot of importance to the optimization and minification of resources.
Please do not neglect server-side compression , it will save you many more Kilobytes!
So you can understand why if you download several plugins on your website made in WordPress (or other platforms) and each of them has resources that weigh, for example, from 40 to 150 KB you can quickly end up with a page that far exceeds 1 MB!
In this article we have considered only one metric: page weight .
But we might decide to limit the number of external resources, reduce the loading time of the first contents of the page, or reduce the time it takes for a page to become fully interactive.
If you need to install many third-party tools (such as external Fonts, Facebook pixels, Google Analytics , compliance solutions such as Cookie Policy, chatbot integration) you will have to find a compromise between speed and functionality.
Full speed ahead!
Yes, I know, reading this article you will have thought " starting tomorrow I also want a site that loads in 3 seconds and climbs the Google SERP ".
The reality is that these goals are difficult to achieve once the site is already online, since it has structural blocks that should be resolved and planned upstream.
But if you have a slow loading website you can contact me and I will provide you with a list of issues to fix to improve your page loading times .
Speed up your site