The definition of Intent Data, as you may have already guessed, is very broad : within this “umbrella” falls behavioral data collected directly or indirectly by your company, from specialized platforms and from intermediaries.
First-party intent data : This data comes directly from your touchpoints and can indicate interest in the topics covered, as well as a more explicit purchase intent towards your products and services.
Website visits
Participation in webinars and events
Filling out forms
Second-party intent data : This comes from another france phone number library organization's first-party data. In the B2B sector, the main aggregators of second-party intent data are sites that specialize in software reviews and online platforms.
Interest in the market segment of your product or service
Visits to your profile on the site
Online surveys
Third-party intent data : This includes search and purchase activity that occurs across third-party channels and touchpoints. While it doesn’t necessarily indicate purchase intent or interest in your business, it does provide insight into your market segment.
Visits to industry publications
Online search engine research
Interest in competitors
Intent Data and B2B Lead Generation
B2B Intent Data can become your Lead Generation’s best ally , provided you use them wisely.
When it comes to behavioral data, first of all, there is strength in numbers : by focusing entirely on first-party data , for example, you will have a clear view of your audience's activity at the bottom of the funnel, but at the cost of neglecting everything that happens "out there".
On the contrary, it is equally risky for Lead Generation to rely completely on third-party data , perhaps purchasing large volumes of Intent Data of dubious quality from external intermediaries and losing sight of prospects who are truly interested in your product or service.
The goal is therefore to group the data obtained, mapping as best as possible the type of intention they indicate: is the audience in question simply carrying out research or is it looking for confirmation before proceeding with the purchase?
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