Productivity performance indicators allow us to find out how resources are being used. To do this, they are measured according to what was stipulated in the initial planning. But, remember that productivity can have many variations due to different circumstances outside or within the employee's control.
Some examples of performance indicators may be:
Time required to conclude a sale.
Time spent in meetings and calls with potential clients.
Number of opportunities generated in relation to the number of sales concluded.
Is there an employee who is exceeding the monthly work goal and you don't know how? Even if you are happy with the how much , you may need to review the how .
Measuring the quality of products or services through a client allows you to correct production processes that are not carried out correctly.
This evaluation indicator shows whether your collaborators or your processes carry out a specific action to meet goals or objectives .
It may seem very similar to the previous one. But the canada telegram data efficiency performance indicator measures whether fewer resources are used to execute a certain process. Or, also, whether the time spent on it is reduced.
Level of training
The level of training is closely linked to the productivity of team members. That is why many companies use part of their resources in specific training for their team.
But how do I know which area needs more training if I don't apply any tool to measure it ? How do I apply it? To know how to start working with them, let's first see what a good performance indicator should be like.
The image shows a man raising his finger in approval of the performance indicators shown to him.
Make sure your performance indicators are well implemented to ensure reliable results.
What should a good performance indicator contain?
Evaluation indicators measure the performance of the process . But a poorly selected or implemented indicator can yield confusing results. Therefore, a good indicator should:
Be specific : The objective of the indicator must be clear. This will help make it more concrete and therefore achievable.
Be measurable : Performance indicators are quantifiable by nature.
Be achievable : Use achievable and logical goals. Don't try to achieve unreasonable goals.
Be relevant : Don't measure activities or processes that don't provide crucial information to your research. You'll waste resources and time.
Performance indicators: Examples for collaborators or employees
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