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Self-Care Chronicles`

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 8:17 am
by john290
They hide behind two industry terms: ideal company persona (ICP) and total addressable market (TAM).In short, your ICP is the company that needs your offering the most. These ideal customers understand the value of your services, don’t require endless persuasion, and are most likely to convert.When you know your ICP, you can calculate your TAM, meaning how many ICPs you can target with your campaigns and how much money this can bring you.What does it do for you? Two things: reveals high-quality leads and helps set realistic sales targets.Step 2: Build a databaseNow that you know who your ICP and TAM are, it’s time to start forming a database with your ICP’s contact information.

If you feel particularly old-fashioned and have some time to spare, you can take a manual-labo cameroon email list 371983 contact leadsr approach. Open Excel sheets and start adding the contact info of the prospects you think are a good fit. Surprisingly, or perhaps unsurprisingly, 56% of companies still score leads manually. But if you do want to do things in a post-industrial manner, using automated lead-generation tools will go a long way in streamlining efforts to build and segment databases. Why? Because it increases conversions, it’s affordable and more efficient. So the real question is, why not?For example, tools like Leedfeeder automatically send leads that visit your website to your CRM in real-time.

You can even set up a filter to sift through potential leads to keep only those that qualify as your ICP.After filling your database with leads, it’s time to distill it further with segmentation.Step 3: Segment your databaseSo, you’ve built a top-notch target lead list, loving every minute of it (assuming you used Leadfeeder). Now, you need to further break them down into narrower market segments of potential customers. To do this, use the information about your ICP and TAM.The most popular optimization filters Leadfeeder’s users set are:Demographic Segmentation: gender, age, education, annual revenue, industry, and company sizeBehavioral Segmentation: user status, spending or purchasing habits, brand interactions, pain points, engagement, and benefits soughtPsychographic Segmentation: beliefs, values, personality, interests, and lifestyleGeographic Areas: area code, region, country, city, language, neighborhood, etc.