The goal of innovation is not to generate minimal viable products , but to build a new business that makes money. Especially if the innovations are further removed from the core business – but the team is successful – then you need to invest more time and money to be able to scale quickly. You can also invest people's money and time in projects that (seemingly) have less risk.
Lesson 2. Be selective about which innovations are given time and money to realize
Does management have a clear picture of what customer problems exist in the outside world? And how the company's resources (IP, sales channels, brands) can help to scale an innovation quickly? By answering these two questions, you can define what types of innovations need to be realized.
You don't have to work with all of them, in fact, be selective. This selection will be reflected in your innovation thesis and growth areas. Where the thesis provides the focal point, for example: " we invest in mobile technology to be able to offer our products and services in a more customer-oriented way".
The growth areas are more detailed and include an oman telegram data unsolved customer problem (the opportunity), how the idea can be quickly scaled using the resources the company has, and the innovation thesis.
Lesson 3. Ensure that innovations can also be scaled within your own organization
There is a gap between early ( early stage ) innovations, minimal viable products and the sales team of the existing organization that will eventually have to sell the product (on a large scale). The problem with many innovations (digital or analog) that come from innovation labs is that they are too niche and too small. And not demonstrably scalable.
This means that when we talk about innovations that are about the core business or 'adjacent to the core business' it creates two 'internal' problems:
Why should a company invest a lot of money in an innovation that cannot be proven to be scalable through the sales channels used?
How do I ensure that the people in the sales department are included in the innovation process to prevent the production of MVPs that are too niche. And that do not meet the commercial conditions of the sales channel (think margins).
Lesson 4. Ensure an end-to-end process from idea to scale
Often what is lacking is a lean innovation process (not to be confused with a traditional stage gate process ) in which a team moves from idea to business and can demonstrate progress to internal stakeholders and investors based on objective criteria.