Learn how to optimize your marketing tasks thanks to Excel tools

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Learn how to optimize your marketing tasks thanks to Excel tools

Post by Abdur8 »

Data, whether accounting or not, is the basis of any work in general. Achieving a correct organization of the data will make our work more effective, which is why it is essential to know and learn everything related to Excel tools.

This means that if you already know about another program in this package, you will be familiar with using this computer tool.

In this article, I will tell you what it is about and how you can get the most out of Excel tools, so let's not wait any longer. Keep reading!

4 Excel tools for your tasks
I will now tell you about the best Excel tools for data management:

1. Sort/sort and filter
This option will allow us to correctly organize our grenada email list 18731 contact leads data, allowing us to do so in different ways.

The sort and filter tool is found by clicking on the HOME tab, on the right hand side, we will find the option.

The sort tool is found by entering the DATA tab.

Once a table is organized with a set of data, whether text or numeric values, we must position ourselves in any cell.

We click on sort and filter, which, if it is a numerical value, will allow us to sort from lowest to highest and vice versa.


If it is a text value, it will ask us if we want to sort from A to Z or vice versa.

sort and filter
2. Custom orders
In the same sort and filter tab, we can also customize the order we want.

Which orders the entire table according to the values ​​it contains and how we request it, text or numeric.

3. Filters
Once we click on Sort & Filter again, then on FILTER — previously selecting a value in the table. A drop-down menu is placed by default in each column of the table.
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